The Wild Rover

15 March 2019|

Sunday marks the anniversary of St Patrick’s death, the foremost patron saint of Ireland, now better known as St Patrick’s Day. While some still use the occasion to commemorate the missionary St Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, it has become a celebration of Irish culture and heritage. The holiday’s popularity has spread far past the Emerald Isle and even beyond the Earth — St Patrick’s Day is also celebrated on the International Space Station. It’s not just

What do Messi and David Brent have in common?

8 March 2019|

More than you might imagine according to a 2006 study entitled ‘Sabotage in Tournaments: Making the Beautiful Game a Bit Less Beautiful’. The authors analyse football games in the Spanish La Liga to investigate the incentives for players to engage in brazen sabotage activities similar to those portrayed in the hit TV series The Office. Sabotage activities are as old as humankind: just ask Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Julius Caesar or the Miliband brothers. I’m sure that most

What’s in a name?

1 March 2019|

The word Fathom ([n] a measure of depth; [v] to measure, to understand) conveys a lot of ideas that capture important aspects of our brand. Hundreds if not thousands of possible names were floated among the founding partners of the company and most were rejected in less than a second. The names ran out. None of them worked. (Or if they did, they had already been taken.) In the end, a paid third party was required to propose a name

Social media, and fear of failing to ‘keep up with the Joneses’

22 February 2019|

Spending money to flaunt one’s success is nothing new. Indeed, the phrase “conspicuous consumption” was coined over one hundred years ago by economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen. Nowadays, these overt displays of wealth and exuberance tend to be referred to as ‘peacocking’. Although a term originally coined to describe the act of attracting a mate with tactics to distinguish oneself from the crowd, it’s now used more generally to describe overt, attention-grabbing behaviour. But the terminology isn’t the only aspect

Okun’s Law ― the good, the bad, and the ugly of economics

15 February 2019|

As an economist, Arthur Okun undoubtedly had a talent for making the extremely obvious seem just that. His two most famous contributions to the field are prime examples of this. Indeed, it was Arthur Okun who took two indicators (inflation and unemployment), combined them, and created the Misery Index. Hardly groundbreaking, but it’s still in common use today. Likewise, the eponymous Okun’s Law, which simply regresses changes in the unemployment rate on economic growth, remains a mainstay of 21st-century macroeconomics,

Make art, not manufacture

8 February 2019|

Last week, at a conference about the prospects for Africa in 2019, Namibian multimedia activist and poet, Patrick Sam, argued that the continent’s politicians needed to focus on art to help their people succeed. At this stage, I’ll make the obligatory point that #Africaisnotacountry, making it facile to recommend a one-size-fits-all approach, and quickly move on. An audience member, who was doing a PhD on how art can support the development process, chimed in to say that the biggest pushback

The economist who cried wolf?

1 February 2019|

Writing in 1966, Paul Samuelson famously observed that “the [US] stock market has forecast nine of the last five recessions”. Like Aesop’s fabled Boy Who Cried Wolf, equity investors have a tendency to panic too often. That was true back in 1966, and it has remained true subsequently, as our chart shows. Recessions tend to be non-linear events. Outright economic contractions are rarely preceded by a gradual slowdown; rather growth is often close to trend the year before the crisis


25 January 2019|

In a project in 2017, I recorded how often my neighbours in the office offered to make drinks, and how often they accepted drinks made by others. I found that not everybody was pulling their weight. Laura was a drinks-making machine. Kevin and Jo less so. Apart from, perhaps, offering some amusement, I had hoped that, in carrying out my study and publishing the results, I might pressure some of my colleagues to make more drinks. It didn’t really work. That’s

Don’t expect much from your New Year’s resolutions

18 January 2019|

Many readers will have kicked off 2019 with an optimistic New Year’s resolution, whether that be dry January, more exercise or a healthier diet. Now that we’re halfway through the first month of the year, how many of those resolutions have already fallen by the wayside? After all, we’re approaching ‘Blue Monday’ — by which time most of us will have apparently failed to keep up our NY resolutions — conspiring with other factors, such as a maximum post-Christmas squeeze

Mexico: tacos, tequila and life on the treadmill

11 January 2019|

When I think about Mexico I think of its rich culture, great people, delicious food, mezcal, and Germany’s disillusioning defeat during last year’s football World Cup. Mexico has a lot going for it economically, too — it’s one of the richest economies in Latin America. In terms of economic growth, Mexico has outpaced the rest of Latin America for the past five years. Inflation has been stable since the early 2000s (at least until recently, but that’s more to do